The church is located in the Durdent Valley, close to the late 14th century fortified Manor House, the "Ostel" de la Baronnie in Vittefleur. This shows how important the history and economy of the village has been over the centuries. The church, dedicated to Saint Martin, and which used to host a pilgrimage dedicated to Sainte Wilgeforte, comprised two naves in between which was erected the bell tower. Only one nave, restored in 1740, remains. That's why the bell tower stands on the left. At the entrance, the chapel is dedicated to Saint Joseph Benedict Cottolengo (1768-1842) whose cult is still widely practiced, as you can see with the votive plaques and flowers. He is worshipped for obtaining success in various exams and tests.
The cross in the graveyard stands on a sandstone base dating back to 1647. It is topped with an intricately carved limestone cross on which stands a pelican.
Guided tour of the heritage of the village of VITTEFLEUR, by Mr. Daniel Lefebvre In the form of a circuit, it will be...
Guided tour of VITTEFLEUR?s heritage, by Mr Daniel Lefebvre. In the form of a tour, this will be an opportunity to...